
AmazonEC2Pricing...AmazonEC2isfreetotry.TherearemultiplewaystopayforEC2instances:On-Demand,SavingsPlans,ReservedInstances,andAmazonEC2 ...,WithAWSyoupayonlyfortheindividualservicesyouneed,foraslongasyouusethem,andwithoutrequiringlong-termcontractsorcomplex ...,AWS為您提供一種依用量計費的方式,來為我們的絕大多數雲端服務定價。使用AWS時,您只為所需的個別服務和使用的時間付費,無須長期合約或複雜的...

Amazon EC2 Pricing

Amazon EC2 Pricing ... Amazon EC2 is free to try. There are multiple ways to pay for EC2 instances: On-Demand, Savings Plans, Reserved Instances, and Amazon EC2 ...

AWS Product and Service Pricing

With AWS you pay only for the individual services you need, for as long as you use them, and without requiring long-term contracts or complex ...

AWS 產品與服務定價

AWS 為您提供一種依用量計費的方式,來為我們的絕大多數雲端服務定價。使用AWS 時,您只為所需的個別服務和使用的時間付費,無須長期合約或複雜的授權。AWS 定價就與您 ...

EC2 隨需執行個體定價

除非另有說明,否則我們的價格不包括適用的稅金和稅收(包括加值稅和適用的銷售稅)。帳單地址在日本的客戶若使用AWS,則需負擔日本消費稅。進一步了解AWS 稅務政策。 EBS ...

Services and Costs

The cost to register a domain varies by the top level domain you want to register. For example, “.com” is $12 annually and “.net” is $11 annually. For a list of ...

Amazon EC2

Amazon EC2 Spot 執行個體可讓您利用AWS 雲端中未使用的EC2 容量,相較於隨需價格,可提供高達90% 的折扣。 Spot 執行個體推薦用途:. 容錯或無狀態工作負載; 可在異質硬體 ...

Amazon Cloud Directory Pricing

Amazon Cloud Directory Pricing ; $2.25. 10 total GBs allocated – 1 free tier GB = 9 billable GBs. 9 GB x $0.25 per GB = $2.25 per month · $0.44 ; $2.50. 10 GB x ...

Pricing for AWS Support Plans

10% of monthly AWS charges for the first $0--$10K. 7% of monthly AWS charges from $10K--$80K. 5% of monthly AWS charges from $80K--$250K. 3% of monthly AWS ...

EC2 On-Demand Instance Pricing

Amazon EC2 On-Demand Pricing · $0.005 per additional IP address associated with a running instance per hour on a pro rata basis · $0.005 per Elastic IP address ...

AWS Pricing Calculator

AWS Pricing Calculator lets you explore AWS services, and create an estimate for the cost of your use cases on AWS.